Internship Information for Faculty Sponsors

How do internships benefit our students?

  • 实习学生有机会将您教授的概念付诸实践, 从而学习如何将知识从抽象的理解转化为具体的应用.
  • 实习的学生有丰富的实践经验,可以与他们的同学联系起来, thus enhancing the discussion and benefiting the class as a whole.
  • 实习是学生测试与专业相关职业的一种方式, thus helping them to become more focused and motivated students in the classroom.
  • 91%的受访雇主表示,在招聘新的大学毕业生时,他们希望他们在大学期间有一到两次实习经历. (Millennial Branding and Experience, Inc. 2012)
  • When asked which skills are most important in a new hire, employers say: professional communication skills, 积极的态度, 以及团队合作能力. These can be honed in the diverse environments made available through internships. (Millennial Branding and Experience, Inc. 2012)
  • 研究生院的招生委员会会考察申请者有什么样的实践经验, 包括实习.

实习 should meet the following criteria:

  1. The experience must be an extension of the classroom将课堂上学到的知识付诸实践的学习经历. 它不应该仅仅是促进雇主的运作,也不应该是普通雇员的例行工作.
  2. The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
  3. 这段经历有明确的开始和结束,也有职位描述和所需的资质.
  4. 有明确定义的与学生学术课程的专业目标相关的学习目标.
  5. 有一个在经验领域具有专业知识和教育和/或专业背景的专业人员监督.
  6. There is routine feedback by the experienced supervisor. 
  7. 有资源, 设备, 以及雇主提供的支持学习目标的设施.
    (立场声明:美国.S. 实习, NACE, July ‘11)

教师赞助人的角色: 集成学习

1. Assist student in developing his/her learning goals to be included in the internship contract. Learning goals can focus on, among others:

  • Academic theory in practice
  • Student’s awareness of self as an emerging professional
  • How to be effective in a work setting (employability skills)
  • Gaining career-specific skills

2. Determine project requirements. In addition to the program minimums (活动日志, 反思的文章 – discussed below), you 五月 assign additional evaluative work. 例如, 更新后的简历, 工作组合, structural analysis of the organization, 口头报告, 等., depending on the academic discipline and the student’s needs and goals.

3. Signing the internship contract. Your signature indicates your conviction that the internship, 所述, can provide a meaningful and pertinent learning experience for this student, based on his/her needs and goals.

4. Engagement throughout internship. 通过提出批判性问题和鼓励自省来支持学生的反思过程. 在实习期间与现场主管(雇主)和实习协调员沟通, 根据需要. det365亚洲版 internship site if possible.

5. 分配及格/不及格分数. Collect necessary documents at conclusion of internship and assign grade. Grading is based on student’s attendance at 职业发展中心’s Mandatory Internship Orientation, on-site supervisor’s evaluation, completion of contracted hours, quality of reflective essay and any additional required projects.

 Student’s Responsibilities: 倡议. 跟进.

  1. 找到 internship opportunities and apply. 如有需要,及时向职业发展中心寻求支持.
  2. 确定你的实习是否可以获得学分,并提交适当的文件. (参见“Road Map for Credit-Bearing 实习 or Non-Credit Internship Form.)
  3. Attend Mandatory Internship Orientation (credit only) in early stages of internship.

 现场主管职责: 专业监督.

  1. Is aware of and in compliance with the U.S. Department of Labor’s six-prong test regarding internships.
  2. 实习前与学生沟通,明确职责和期望.
  3. Signs internship contract agreeing to oversee student’s experience.
  4. Inform student of organization policies, procedures, and required safety standards.
  5. Provides realistic exposure to the field; meet with the student on a regular basis and at the end of the internship to provide performance feedback.
  6. Maintains contact with the faculty sponsor and internship coordinator, 根据需要, about the student’s progress.
  7. 在实习结束时完成导师的评估,并返回学院赞助商.

职业发展中心 assists in the following ways: 找到. 获得. 过程.

1. Help student find internship opportunities by providing resources, 领导, and networking opportunities.
2. Coach student through application processes, including how to market strengths effectively through resumes, 求职信, 和访谈.
3. Assist with internship contracts, 必需的文件, 制定学习目标, and reflecting on experiences.

特殊情况: 非你.S. 公民 & Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

有非常严格的美国法律.S. 美国劳工部365亚洲版非美国公民的工作经历的规定.S. citizens 五月 engage themselves. 这些学生的实习必须符合“课程实践培训”(CPT)的要求。. 这意味着该职位的任务和职责必须与学生的主修课程相结合. 此外,班.S. 公民必须通过完成学分实习合同获得实习学分,并提供雇主的正式录取信. Your student needs to fill out a CPT申请表格 得到你的签名.

班.S. 公民实习生 在所有的文件都提交并由移民局签发新的I-20之后才能开始实习.

Internship Program’s Required Minimums:

这是一篇内省的文章,具体反映了实习合同中描述的学习目标, as well an any unanticipated outcomes. 发生在外部或内部的什么经历促使学生学习? What are the student’s take-aways based on the experiences? It is not intended to be: a daily journal, 野外观测笔记, or narrative of tasks undertaken.

这份“时间表”是在学生的荣誉和文件上完成的,学生完成了实习合同中承诺的小时数. 第二个目的是记录学生在实习过程中的任务, which 五月 assist the student in writing his/her 反思的文章.

Frequently Asked Questions:

我知道有个雇主正在招实习生,我的学生很适合. 下一步是什么?
出于许多原因——包括学生自己的学习过程和法律责任问题——不让学生“被安排”去实习是很重要的. We recommend that you mention specific opportunities to a number of students, and refer a number of students to employers with whom you speak. 因此, 学生的责任仍然是尽职尽责,争取机会. 我们建议你向你的学生提供你对这个特定雇主以及其他一些雇主的信息. Instruct them to investigate the employers and the opportunities, 并将其引用, 根据需要, to the CDC for coaching on their application materials.

Can a paid intern receive academic credit?
是的. 教育机构授予的学分和雇主支付的工资是两个不相关的系统. The College determines if the experience is worthy of academic credit; the employer decides whether or not they can pay their intern.

实习本质上是有意的,是围绕特定的学习目标发展起来的, in accordance with point #4 in the criteria listed above. 因此, 学生不可能追溯申请以前经历的学分. In certain situations, a student 五月 begin the work of the internship before the paperwork has been filed, when all the following are true:

  • 学生是U.S. 公民
  • Learning Goals are written and student is working on obtaining all signatures
  • Submits an Appeal Form with Contract, if deadline has passed